
We start with a deep-dive into the process which is posing the most pressing issues.ect kunnen aanpakken.

How do we achieve this?

In short sessions and workshops we interview the main stakeholders, both within and outside your HR department. The goal here is to get to an overview of how the various processes are experienced within the wider organisation. Based on this, together with your HR team we determine which process to choose. This doesn’t have to be the low-hanging fruit, the criteria is that we pick the process that will have the biggest impact.

Our deliverable

To close this, we deliver a process plan (A3), in which we detail the next steps and the expected end result.

What is the investment of your team?

Success highly depends on the valuable opinions of your wider organisation. As far as possible, all workshops and interview sessions will be planned for the same day and take around 1 to 1,5 hours, depending on the size of the group parttaking. The presentation of results will take an hour, and follow up meetings via phone call can be arranged if needed.